Reasons for Delay in Marriage As Per Indian Astrology & Their Remedies

Remedies for Delay in Marriage

Astrology considers marriage as a significant part of life as it is a way of leading a complete, happy and prosperous life. Like everything else, marriage also should take place at the right time or else it fails to bring desirable changes in life. Due to increase in cases of delay in marriages in present … Read more

Nadi Dosha And Remedies For Nadi Dosha in Marriage

Nadi Dosha Remedies - Nadi Dosha in Marriage

We all have come across the term “Nadi Dosha” in astrology but most of us are not aware of what it is. Be it a love marriage or arrange marriage, in order to calculate the compatibility between the partners, Ashtas are studied and Nadi is one of these eight Ashtas with the maximum value of … Read more

Kaal Sarp Dosh Effect on Marriage | Kaal Sarp Yog Remedies

Kaal Sarp Dosh Effect on Marriage

Kaal Sarp Dosh is considered to have serious adverse effects on life. If you have Kaal sarp Dosh in kundli then you are expected to have the significant aspects of your life get affected. It tends to influence not just your health but also your financial status and your married life. There is Kaal Sarp … Read more

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